Lyle has spent his whole life pursuing the dream of agriculture. With his family by his side he works to provide the highest quality products money can buy! He doesn't settle for mediocrity so he continues to grow in knowledge and improve management practices in order to best serve consumers! He is never to proud to say "we need to change this to be better". He loves hearing the health journeys of our customers.
JoAnn's passion for health and wellness came from her own tranformation from sickness to health! Now she is on a mission to make healthy food more accessible and help others conquer their health goals!
Danielle knows the cattle by name and spends her days outside perfecting the grazing rotation with a her passion to improve soil health. The heard comes running when they hear her voice! We want you to know that the quality of K Creek Ranch meat comes from the amazing work she does to take care of our soil and livestock! She is also a master fence builder. Her fence-line is perfectly straight when she is done, and the only tool she uses in her eye!!
Jessica has been on fire about healthy living ever since discovering the power of nutrition in her own life! Teaching others how to live their best life through healthy lifestyle choices is what she does best! She has a special connection to the cattle, and can spot issues before they become issues. She knows the lineages of every animal on the farm.
Jordan has a brilliant mind for both soil health and business. He was leading the way to improve the quality of products and services through extensive research and networking. His contributions helped K Creek Ranch become what it is today! Now he is married to Ellen and has a thriving Construction company~ Kruse Construction where he is setting the standard in quality building!
Matt has a passion for homesteading and sharing knowledge with our customers. If you have questions, snag him and he will be more than happy to give insight, ideas and answers. His desire is to ensure your livestock feed meets the highest standards.